BMA2020 Presentation Instructions
A step-by-step guide for making your presentation can be downloaded by clicking here.
We have identified two technical considerations:
1. The laser pointer function in PowerPoint does NOT work when recording on a Mac. Unfortunately, there is no current fix for this. We recommend that you either use animations (only) to emphasize your points, record on a PC, or use a 3rd party screen recording software (ex. Camtasia).
2. Older versions of PowerPoint can not export to .mp4. They export the files as .wmv. This is ok and works fine in our system.
BMA2020 abstract submissions are now closed.
Option #1 (closed). To be considered for both BMA2020 and ASBMR2020, submit via the ASBMR website ($70 fee, this option is now closed).
Option #2 (closed). To be considered for BMA2020 only, follow the instructions below ($0 fee).
You can download this information by clicking here.
- To submit to both ASBMR and BMA2020 simultaneously ($70 fee), go here and follow the ASBMR submission instructions: THIS OPTION IS NOW CLOSED AS OF 5/27/2020.
- To submit to BMA2020 only ($0 fee), use the button on the top right of the screen to login with an existing account, or, use the adjacent dropdown arrow to make a new account. Alternatively, click here to create an account:
- After you’ve confirmed your account and logged in, you will be able to submit an abstract here:
- If you have any questions, please contact us as marrowad -at- gmail -dot- com
- If you are submitting more than one abstract, the abstracts may NOT overlap significantly in content.
- Enter your title
- Enter your abstract body
- Your abstract may have up to 2500 characters (including spaces). This does not include the title, authors or attachments.
- Do NOT include your title, author information, sponsor, or category within your abstract text. Enter ONLY your abstract text.
- Do NOT mention support of work by a research grant within the body of the abstract.
- Do NOT underline, bold or use capitals for emphasis in the abstract text.
- Single space all text. Do NOT place blank lines between paragraphs.
- Do NOT place hard returns at the end of each line; use hard returns only to start a new paragraph.
- Organize the content of the abstract by first stating the purpose, describe the methods used, summarize the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions, and state the conclusions reached.
- Choose your preferred presentation type
- Final selection of abstracts and assignments will be at the discretion of the reviewers
- Choose one or more topics that apply to your abstract
- Enter up to 5 key words to promote indexing of your abstract
- Add all authors and their affiliations
- Designate the corresponding author
- Designate the speaker
- Arrange the authors in your preferred order
- You may upload one image as an attachment to your abstract submission. Attachments are accepted in .jpg, .gif, or .png formats.
- Please remove extraneous white space surrounding the graphic by cropping it prior to submitting your abstract.
- The recommended graphic size to optimize resolution is 3.5 inches wide by 3 inches tall and an absolute minimum of 600 DPI.
- Images will appear at the end of the abstract. Please be sure to label your image as you would want it to appear in the Abstracts book.
- Preview your abstract
- Go back to steps 1-3 to make any changes, as needed
- When you are done, click ‘submit’ at the bottom of the page
If selected for participation, all abstracts will be awarded either a plenary short oral presentation (10-minutes) or a virtual poster. We encourage the submission of all BMA-related research and recognize that the quantity of data generated for BMA2020 may be decreased due to COVID-19-related workplace restrictions.
You may choose to have your abstract considered for presentation at BMA2020, ASBMR 2020, or both meetings. Please note, if you are selected for an oral podium presentation at ASBMR, you may not present your abstract in a plenary oral format at BMA2020. However, you may still be invited to present a virtual poster at BMA2020.